Can You Help Me Now?
A Free Webinar on
Crowdsourcing Dispute Resolution
Over Mobile Devices
Wednesday November 20th, 2013
9am PST
Join Colin Rule, founder and current Chairman and COO of and Chittu Nagarajan, creator and co-founder of ODRworld and ODRindia, to discuss their chapter, Crowdsourcing Dispute Resolution Over Mobile Devices, from the book “Mobile Technologies for Conflict Management,” edited by Marta Poblet.
This webinar is brought to you by CIJT and Marta Poblet as the first in a series of webinars by the authors of the seminal book, Mobile Technologies for Conflict Management, available for purchase here. Don’t miss this opportunity to interact with the authors live, ask questions and hear the latest developments in this cutting-edge field within conflict management.
If you’d like to ask the presenters a question, feel free to post to our forum at
All questions asked before 11/22 will be answered.