Every day, more and more digitally-connected devices are being integrated into our daily lives. In fact, researchers predict that there will be more than 40 billion devices wirelessly connected to the internet by the year 2020. This surge in the number of devices we use has led us into an era known as the Internet of Things, or IoT. Although there are many advantages to being able to utilize the internet in so many different ways, the more devices one has, the more paths a hacker can take to steal information. Recently, reports have come to light that internet-enabled cars could be turned off remotely by a hacker, and certain baby monitors could be hacked to monitor individuals without their knowledge. And as the medical field release technology that fits into the Internet of Things, the potential problems only become more worrisome; hackers could potentially have control over someone’s health or even their life.
Thankfully, companies are trying to find solutions to make their Internet of Things devices safer to use. For example, digital security companies such as Gemalto are offering their experience to car manufacturers, and Microsoft has promised to add extra encryption and security software to their new Windows 10 IoT, their operating system for all of the Internet of Things devices Microsoft produces. Additionally, multiple tech firms have come together to form the Internet of Things Security Foundation, which will review devices that connect to the internet and offer support and advice to tech companies. In time, manufacturers of Internet of Things devices will need to determine how to make sure each device that an individual owns is continually updated and protected from hackers.
Article: TechCrunch, October 24, 2015
Photo: Internet of Things World Forum via Schneider Electric España [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs]