
Expertise in Online Mediation 

Offered by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in conjunction with The Center for Innovative Justice and Technology.

Expertise in Online Mediation is an online course designed to fully prepare professional mediators, conciliators, arbitrators, and other dispute resolution professionals for work in the online environment. This course provides specialized professional skills to experts wishing to acquire a distinct competitive advantage in their field by practicing online and internationally.

The course is fully online and runs on two different virtual campuses: one in English and the other in Spanish. Expertise in Online Mediation begins January 2015 and offers lectures, targeted readings, discussions in forums, case analysis and practice in various existing platforms.

Instructors are amongst the most prominent university lecturers and professors in the field of online dispute resolution (ODR), led by Professor Ethan Katsh, internationally recognized as the “father” of ODR.

Target Participants: Anyone with interest in the resolution of conflicts: consultants, mediators, conciliators, arbitrators, lawyers, executives and those looking to expand professional activity to transnational disputes. The course is also aimed at businesses and organizations that provide or wish to provide online services in negotiation or conciliation.

Skills Targeted by the Course:

  • Virtual Conflict Analysis: Ability to analyze conflicts and to identify the most appropriate resources of conflict management and resolution for each controversy, taking into account interpersonal relations that may occur in the electronic environment and respecting diversity and multiculturalism.
  • Online Third-Party Skills: Apply many diverse methods, techniques and strategies to the online environment and the needs and expectations of the parties involved and communicate effectively through various media, in different contexts, and using the appropriate terminology and language.
  • Work Process Design: Ability to design effective online processes and workflow.
  • Ethical Evaluation: Capacity to develop online mediation with full respect for ethical principles.
  • Technology Integration: The use and application of ICT in academic and professional mediation activities.
  • Coordination of Virtual Interdisciplinary Teams: Ability to coordinate and lead effectively in interdisciplinary teams and scenarios for the management and resolution of conflicts.
  • Digital Mediation Techniques: Ability to skillfully handle various mediation techniques online.


Instructor: Dr. Dal Pubel

local del pubel

Dr. Dal Pubel has worked as a senior program manager, mediator, conciliator, and trainer with the National Conflict Resolution Center in San Diego since 2003 and has developed mediation and conflict resolution programs throughout Italy, Europe and the United States of America. He teaches Alternative Dispute Resolution at San Diego State University and Conflict Resolution and Mediation at the Lorenzo de` Medici, Marist College Campus, in Italy, and he has also contributed to several projects sponsored by the European Union to promote the use of mediation in cross border disputes. Dr. Dal Pubel’s research agenda focuses on mediation in cross border disputes, international conflict resolution, organizational conflict and leadership.

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