The results of a survey by the firm Robert Half indicate that legal and information technology departments are working together more closely than ever. The findings, published under the name “Future Law Office 2020”, report that eighty percent of the 350 lawyers questioned indicated that their collaboration with the IT department had increased in the past two years. Additionally, both new technology and cybersecurity were two of the three problems that the pollers expected to have the most influence on practicing law in the future. As new projects focusing on securing data, complying and abiding by privacy laws, and e-discovery are brought to lawyers, they can expect to develop a much closer relationship with the IT department. Companies used to the divide between the legal and technical teams will be hindered and fall behind organizations that encourage and foster the collaboration.
Article via Legaltech News, August 10, 2015
Photo: Night Work via Thomas Heylen [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs]